Frequently Asked Questions

What are PARs?

PAR stands for Performance Adherence Reports. All North Carolina EMS providers are held to the same standard of care as outlined in the NC EMS protocols. All data from EMS providers is tracked, and this data is then provided in an individualized, easy-to-understand format as a PAR. Access your PARs here.

Where does PAR data come from?

The EMS Performance Improvement Center (EMSPIC), a branch of the UNC – Chapel Hill Emergency Medicine Department, collects all EMS data in North Carolina, South Carolina, and West Virginia. The EMSPIC houses information such as EMS provider certifications, educational credits, and PCR data. The PAR project simply condenses the data that the EMSPIC already collects into an easily accessible version for providers to view their own performance. 

Am I eligible for the PAR project?

Currently, the PAR project is working with nine North Carolina counties to test the PAR format. If you are registered as a full- or part-time EMS provider or administrator in any of these nine counties, you are automatically enrolled in the project and can access your PARs right now! Check to see if your county is participating here.

Why is social media involved?

The average EMS provider is typically younger than in other healthcare professions. In order to encourage EMS providers to view and utilize their PARs, the research team has set up three social media accounts as communication tools, as well as provide resources, news, and updates directly to NC EMS professionals. View our social media pages here. Additionally, when providers view their individualized PARs, they will be able to share their performance successes via social media.

Who is running this project?

This project is funded through an EMSC Targeted Grant awarded to the Emergency Medicine Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We are working alongside the EMSPIC, research consultants at the Medical College of Wisconsin and the UC San Diego School of Medicine, and nine North Carolina counties to provide accessible and meaningful performance data to EMS providers and administrators. If you have any questions or concerns about the PAR project, please contact Project Manager Julianne Cyr at